Bell Boy Bot
The project concerns the development of a communication platform, with innovative traveler services, through the design, development and implementation of robotic conversational agent technologies (chatbot). More specifically, it concerns the design and implementation of a chatbot that will use:
- state-of-the-art NLP and Deep Learning methods for better recognition of user intent
- statistical methods and analytics to better determine the chatbot response.

Innovation points
Bell Boy Bot focuses on the following innovation points:
1. Implementation of interactive automated RCA software, for text message messaging, which will allow the implementation of innovative customer service and conversational commerce.
2. Implementation of state-of-the-art NLP and Deep Learning methods that allow the best, automatic comprehension of natural speech text by the software. In the case of RCA (robotic conversational agent) they will allow the most direct communication between user and service (in the search phase of the user’s intention).
3. Implementation of methods of personalized retrieval of travel information and RS (recommendation system) with the RCA in order to highlight the most popular points of interest of the traveler.
4. Multilingual support. The RCA development methodology is independent of the language of the written text and will evolve so that it can be applied to written texts of different language idioms.
The development of the integrated concierge BBB service of this proposal is based on the extensive use of new Robotic Conversational Agent (RCA) and Recommendation System (RS) technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Although there is RCA in the field of tourism services (e.g., KLM) they concern the service of the user for very specific services without the possibility of personalization. BBB is expected to expand the travel services with personal experiences that will be exported using the RS platform from a fairly large volume of data and services.
- Within the framework of the project, at least two (2) scientific publications in national or international scientific journals will be written. The works will work in support of the perfection and innovation of the project, its scientific quality and potential. At the same time, they will ensure the best dissemination of the project results at national and international level.
- CRI will succeed in introducing a new product to the market and diversifying its product portfolio, applying its extensive, proven experience in the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) systems and mobile applications. In addition, it is expected to enrich the experience in emerging artificial intelligence technologies (RCA and RS).
- UPCOM will significantly strengthen its position in the emerging RCA and RS by conducting groundbreaking, industrial research and achieving its entry into the tourism software market.
- Finally, all the agencies, through the new recruitments, will have the opportunity to integrate in their potential and to utilize new scientists-highly specialized human resources.

Bell-Boy-Bot is funded by ESPA and the European Union Regional Development